Today's scenic road

Of course, we would have liked our modern scenic road to follow exactly the route taken by Bertha Benz in 1888. However, we were met with a number of obstacles.

Taking the Roman street from Ladenburg to Heidelberg – it is closed for public traffic today and may only be used by farm vehicles and bicycles.

National Road B 3 is its modern substitute mainly following the Rhine valley, whereas the old Roman road was located a few metres higher halfway up the hills. At that time, there were no flood barriers, therefore, roads had to be built in slightly more elevated areas in order to arrive without getting one's feet wet.

By the way, the names of the vineyards still testify to their former function, and for the very reason that they are now closed for motor vehicles, they offer numerous opportunities of following the traces of Bertha Benz by taking a walk through a beautiful landscape. Just get out of the car every once in a while and enjoy walking through the romantic, narrow vineyard paths - and feel as if you had been taken back 120 years!

The centres of the big cities are generally characterized by pedestrians' zones today and closed for automotive transit traffic. Again, we had to compromise. However, since some of these towns are of unrivalled beauty, we strongly recommend leaving your car on the marked parking lots and discovering the sights on foot.

When designing the directions the new scenic road was to take, we tried to stick to the original road as closely as possible, but where required by today's traffic situation, we had to compromise.