Ideal Partners

Downloads for the press

Foto der ca. 23-jährigen Bertha Benz (1849-1944) [1,95 MB]
Karte der „Bertha Benz Memorial Route“ [630 KB]
Touristisches Hinweisschild [2,69 MB]
Frauke Meyer, Vorsitzende der privaten Initiative [1,49 MB]
Heidelberger Schloss ( [1,38 MB]

Press-Information as a Word-Document:

"Bertha Benz Memorial Route ready for Motoring Tourists" [36 KB]

Press-Information as a PDF:

"Bertha Benz Memorial Route ready for Motoring Tourists" [54 KB]


Recommend this website



Signposts have been set up
Official Opening will be
embedded in the closing
ceremonies of
"Automobilsommer 2011"
Bertha Benz Challenge
(Open only for vehicles with
alternative drive systems)

more …

In Memoriam

Our friend Ms. Christiane Lubisch, who translated this website from German into English for free, passed away in December 2010.
We miss you, Christiane!